Kottakkal Arya Vaidyasala All Products Price List : लगभग 115 साल पुरानी आयुर्वेदिक कंपनी है | केरल के कोट्टक्कल शहर में सन 1902 में वैद्यरतन्म P. S Varier के द्वारा इस कंपनी की शुरुआत की गई |
आर्य वैद्य साला कोट्टकल में आयुर्वेदिक हॉस्पिटल का सञ्चालन करती है | साथ ही सम्पूर्ण भारत के विभिन्न राज्यों में इसके आयुर्वेदिक हॉस्पिटल एवं दवाओं डीलरशिप उपलब्ध है |
कोट्टक्कल आर्य वैद्य साला द्वारा 550 से अधिक शास्त्रोक्त एवं पेटेंट दवाओं का निर्माण किया जाता है | इनकी दवाएं उच्च गुणवत्ता एवं विश्वनीय है | वैद्यजनो में कोट्टक्कल फार्मेसी के प्रोडक्ट्स प्रशिद्ध है |
हम यहाँ पर Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Pharmacy All Products list आपको उपलब्ध करवा रहें है | सभी Medicine को अलग – अलग केटेगरी में बांटा है ताकि पढ़ने एवं ढूंढने में आसानी हो |
Post Contents
Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Products Category in Hindi
- Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Churna Products Price List
- Arya Vaidya Sala Ashava / Arisht Products Price List
- Kottakkal All Bhashma List
- Ayurvedic Ghrit / Medicated Ghee All Products List
- Kottakkal Kashayam Products Price List in Hindi
- Kottakkal Avleham Price List 2020
- Medicated Oils List
इस कंपनी की सभी आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं को 07 श्रेणी में बाँट कर उनकी लिस्ट उपलब्ध करवाई है | यह लिस्ट उत्पाद के मूल्य एवं मात्रा के साथ है | इन्हे आप pdf Download भी कर सकते है |
1. Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Churna Products Price List
चूर्ण की इस श्रेणी में कोट्टाक्कल आर्य वैद्य साला द्वारा निर्मित किये जाने वाले सभी चूर्णों की सूचि दी गई है | यह सूचि 2020 के अनुसार है | इसमें समय – समय पर नई मूल्य सूचि को अपडेट भी किया जायेगा |
Churna Products Price List को आप PDF File Download भी कर सकते है |
Sr No. | Products Name | Price | Uses |
1 | TALISAPATRADI CHURNAM | Rs 15 | Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, bronchitis |
2 | JATAMAYADI CHURNAM | Rs 100 | External Use only |
3 | KOTTAMCHUKKADI CHURNAM | 70 | Synovitis, painful and swollen joint diseases |
4 | ASHWAGANDHA CHURNA | Rs 120 | Emaciation, fatigue, vataroga, loss of libido |
5 | AMRITAMEHARI CHURNAM | Rs 15 | Useful in Diabetes |
6 | Kottakkal AVIPATHI CHURNAM | Rs 15 | Constipation |
7 | Arya Vaidya Sala Ashta Churna | Rs 15 | Abdominal colic, indigestion, absorption syndrome |
8 | VALIYA KARPURADI CHURNAM | Rs 15 | Cough, asthma, dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting |
9 | Guggulu Panchfala Churna | Rs 15 | Ulcers, Fistula |
10 | Kottakkal TRIPHALADI CHURNA | Rs 15 | ophthalmic diseases |
11 | RASANADI CHURNA | Rs 15 | headache, fever, rhinitis |
12 | Hinguvachadi Churna | Rs 15 | Abdominal colic, anorexia, indigestion, intestinal and uterine spasms |
13 | AMRIT MEHARI CHURNA – 50 GM | Rs 50 | Diabetes |
14 | DASHNAKANTHI CHURNA | Rs 100 | Halitosis, pyorrhoea, dental caries |
15 | RASANADI CHURNA | Rs 55 | headache and fever |
16 | AVALGUJABIJADI CHURNA | Rs 15 | Vitiligo |
17 | KOTTAKKAL INDUPUKANAM | Rs 15 | Constipation |
18 | Eladi Churna | Rs 20 | – |
19 | KACHURADI CHURNA | Rs 75 | Fever, head ache, vertigo, sleeplessness, anxiety disorders |
20 | CHERIYA KARPURADI CHURNA | Rs 15 | bronchitis, dyspepsia, Productive Cough |
21 | DADIMASHTAKA CHURNA | Rs 15 | Fistula in ano, chronic ulcers, dyslipidemia |
22 | DIPKYADI CHURNA | Rs 30 | Post natal care, intestinal colic, flatulence |
23 | NAVAYASA CHURNAM | Rs 35 | Iron deficiency anaemia , jaundice, diabetes mellitus,vitiligo |
24 | KOTTAKKAL NASIKA CHURNA | Rs 25 | Anosmia, congestive nasal conditions |
25 | NIMBHARIDRADI CHURNA | Rs 15 | Itchy skin rashes, acne |
26 | NIMBPATRADI CHURNA | Rs 15 | Itchy skin rashes, acne |
27 | PANCHKOL CHURNA | Rs 15 | Indigestion, mal absorption syndrome |
28 | PANCHGANDHA CHURNA | Rs 15 | Fever, head ache, vertigo, sleeplessness, anxiety disorders and skin blemishes |
29 | PATHYADI CHURNA | Rs 15 | Stomatitis, ascites, peritonitis, other conditions with fluid retention, hepatic disorders, mild purgative |
30 | PATHADI CHURNA | Rs 15 | Pyorrhoea, bleeding gums |
31 | PITAKA CHURNA | Rs 15 | Pyorrhoea, halitosis, stomatitis, tooth decay |
32 | PUSHYANUGA CHURNA | Rs 15 | Leucorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding |
33 | YAVANYADI CHURNA | Rs 15 | Bleeding piles, I B S (Irritable bowel syndrome), Chron?s disease, anorexia |
34 | YOGRAJ CHURNA | Rs 15 | Acute and chronic arthritis, haemarrhoids, fistula, dyslipidemia |
35 | RAJANYADI CHURNA | Rs 15 | Immune enhancer – especially in children, respiratory and gastro intestinal diseases of varied origin |
36 | LAKSHADI CHURNA – ARYA VAIDYA SALA PRODUCTS | Rs 20 | Hemorrhagic disorders, osteoarthritis, impaired ontogenesis |
37 | VIDANGADI CHURNA | Rs 20 | Obesity, dyslipidaemia |
38 | BRIHATVAISWANARA CHURNA | Rs 15 | Indigestion, dysmetabolism |
40 | SARSHAPADI CHURNA | Rs 15 | Lymphadenopathy, itching, scabies |
41 | KOTTAKKAL SARSWATA CHURNA | Rs 15 | Psycho-motor retardation in children, dementia |
42 | HUTABHUGADI CHURNAM | Rs 15 | Hemorrhoids, anemia, loss of appetite, constipation |
43 | SHADDHARNA CHURNA | Rs 25 | Inflammatory arthritis, generalised edema, amanu-bandha condition |
2. Arya Vaidya Sala Ashava / Arisht Products Price List
आसव / अरिष्ट में कोट्टाक्कल फार्मेसी द्वारा विभिन्न शास्त्रोक्त दवाओं आसव / अरिष्ट सिरप का निर्माण किया जाता है | आसव एवं अरिष्ट आयुर्वेद की सिरप फॉर्म की दवाएं होती है | जिनका निर्माण संधान प्रक्रिया के द्वारा किया जाता है |
आसव एवं अरिष्ट फॉर्म में अधिक अंतर नहीं होता | अगर आप आसव एवं अरिष्ट में अंतर जानना चाहते है तो इसे पढ़ें – आसव एवं अरिष्ट में क्या अंतर है ?
निम्न टेबल के माध्यम से kottakkal arya vaidya sala के सभी आसव एवं अरिष्ट दवाओं की सूचि को देख सकते है |
Sr No | Products Name | Price | Uses |
1 | Abhyarishtam | Rs 75 | Constipation & Indigestion |
2 | kottakkal Amritarishtam | Rs 80 | Chronic fever of undetermined origin, weakness, aches |
3 | Ashokarishtam Syp | Rs 80 | Abnormal vaginal discharge, dysmenorrhoea |
4 | ASWAGANDHARISHTAM | Rs 135 | Useful in mental stress. Improves stamina and vitality |
5 | KHADIRARISHTAM | Rs 110 | Haematinic. Chronic ulcerative/non-ulcerative skin |
6 | JIRAKADYARISHTAM | Rs 125 | Useful in Dyspepsia. Useful in post natal care |
7 | Arya vaidya sala Dasamularishtam | Rs 105 | Cardio-pulmonary ailments, dyspepsia, loss of libido |
8 | Draksharishtam | Rs 115 | Anemia, breathlessness, fatigue, dyspepsia and constipation |
9 | PIPPALYASAVAM | Rs 85 | Indigestion, anorexia, anemia, mal-absorption syndrome |
10 | PUNARNAVASAVAM | Rs 80 | Edema, anemia, promotes diuresis |
11 | Balarishtam | Rs 90 | Useful in Vaat Vyadhi |
12 | KOTTAKKAL MUSTARISHTAM | Rs 90 | Irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, intestinal colic, malformed stools |
13 | Lohasavam | Rs 90 | Iron deficiency anemia |
14 | VASAKADYARISHTAM | Rs 125 | Asthma, bronchitis (especially when sputum is blood stained), hoarseness of voice, rhinitis |
15 | kottakkal SARASWATARISHTAM | Rs 760 | Improves cognitive skills, dementia, psycho-motor retardation |
16 | AYASKRITHI | Rs 90 | Diabetes mellitus, obesity and anemia |
17 | ARAGWADHARISHTAM | Rs 90 | Mild laxative and blood purifier. Also effective in chronic |
18 | Arya vaidya sala Kutajarishtam | Rs 90 | Diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids and intestinal motility disorders |
19 | Kottakkal Kumaryasava | Rs 90 | Diabetes mellitus, anemia, diseases of liver, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and menopausal syndrome |
20 | Kottakkal Chandanasava | Rs 75 | Urinary tract infections, uretheral/vaginal discharges, hot flushes |
21 | DHANVANTARARISHTAM | Rs 95 | Vatavyadhis of varied etiology especially of traumatic origin. Useful in post-natal care |
22 | PARTHADYARISHTAM | Rs 95 | Cardiac and pulmonary diseases |
23 | BALAMRITAM | Rs 150 | A nutritive general tonic for pediatric use |
24 | SARIBADYASAVAM | Rs 90 | Diabetes mellitus, carbuncles, rheumatism, infections |
25 | Kottakkal NIMBAMRITASAVAM | Rs 115 | All vata disorders |
26 | PUTIKARANJASAVAM | Rs 105 | Hemorrhoids, indigestion, anemia |
27 | PUTIVALKASAVAM | Rs 75 | Hemorrhoids, indigestion |
28 | Kottakkal MADHOOKASAVAM | Rs 125 | Mal-absorption syndrome, indigestion |
29 | MULAKADYARISHTAM | Rs 160 | Visarpa of varied etiology and clinical manifestations |
30 | MRITASANJEEVANI | Rs 95 | Chronic fatigue syndrome, general and sexual debility |
31 | MRIDWIKARISHTAM | Rs 120 | General debility, emaciation, anemia, worm infestations,diseases of head and neck |
32 | ROHITAKARISHTAM | Rs 75 | Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, dermatosis |
33 | Kottakkal LODHRASAVAM | Rs 100 | Diabetes, pallor, dermal pigmentation |
34 | VIDARYADYASAVAM | Rs 90 | Emaciation,muscle cramps, unproductive cough, cardiac and pulmonary diseases |
35 | VISWAMRITAM | Rs 125 | Special indication – post natal care. Fever, lack of hunger/appetite and loose bowels |
36 | SRIKHANDASAVAM | Rs 75 | Alcoholism |
37 | ARAVINDASAVAM | Rs 80 | Improves immunity and helps to control infections |
38 | DEVADARVYARISHTAM | Rs 125 | Diabetic neuropathy, UTI (Urinary track infection),eczema, indigestion and constipation |
39 | SUDARSANASAVAM | Rs 80 | All types of chronic fevers |
40 | USIRASAVAM | Rs 80 | Anemia, acne, skin eruptions, hemorrhagic disorders |
41 | KANAKASAVAM | Rs 75 | Asthma, chronic bronchitis |
42 | CHAVIKASAVAM | Rs 100 | Dyspepsia, rhinitis, sinusitis, inflammatory joint disorders |
43 | CHITRAKASAVAM | Rs 125 | Leucoderma and stomatitis |
44 | Kottakkal DANTYARISHTAM | Rs 75 | Hemorrhoids, dyspepsia, constipation and ascitis |
45 | DURALABHARISHTAM | Rs 85 | Hemorrhoids, indigestion, constipation |
3. Kottakkal All Bhashma List
आर्य वैद्य साला कोट्टक्कल के द्वारा निर्मित सभी भस्मों की जानकारी इस सूचि के द्वारा जान सकते है | इसे आप पीडीऍफ़ रूप में डाउनलोड भी कर सकते है |
Sr No | Products Name | Price | Uses |
1 | Abhrak Bhasma | Rs 60 | Diabetes mellitus,sexual debility, immune deficiency |
2 | AVILTOLADI BHASMAM | Rs 125 | Generalised edema, ascites, dysuria |
3 | KALYANA KSHARAM | Rs 80 | Abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, renal calculi,obstructive uropathy, dysmenorrhoea |
4 | KSHARAGADAM | Rs 75 | Habitual constipation, colic and anorexia |
5 | SANKHA BHASMA | Rs 10 | Acid peptic diseases, gastric / duodenal ulcer |
6 | SUVARNAVANGAM | Rs 30 | Diabetic mellitus, genito-urinary tract infection |
4. Ayurvedic Ghrit / Medicated Ghee All Products List
आयुर्वेद के मेडिकेटिड घी की सूचि | कोट्टाक्कल आर्य वैद्य साला द्वारा निर्मित किये जाने वाले सभी आयुर्वेदिक घृत की सूचि इस लिस्ट के माध्यम से देख सकते है |
Sr No | Medicated Ghee Name | Price | Uses |
1 | KOTTAKKAL MAHATIKTA GHRITAM | Rs 175 | Skin diseases of inflammatory nature, anemia, non healing ulcers, thyroid dysfunction, inflammatory bowel diseases, anxiety and mental stress, leucoderma, liver diseases, leucorrhoea and seizure disorders. |
2 | INDUKANTAM GHRITAM | Rs 165 | Various debilitating disorders, ascitis, gastric discomforts, GERD |
3 | KALYANAKA GHRITAM | Rs 150 | Psychic disorders, seizure disorder, anemia, infertility, lack of intelligence, poor concentration, diabetes mellitus and toxicity in the body |
4 | DADIMADI GHRITAM | Rs 150 | Anemia, acid peptic disease, prenatal care, bronchial asthma, menstrual irregularities, normalizes peristalsis |
5 | TIKTAKA GHRITAM | Rs 160 | Skin diseases of inflammatory nature, anemia, non healing ulcers, thyroid dysfunction, inflammatory bowel diseases, anxiety and mental stress, leucoderma, liver diseases, leucorrhoea and seizure disorders |
6 | KOTTAKKAL BRAHMI GHRITAM | Rs 150 | Dementia, seizure disorder, learning disability disorders- improves cognitive skills |
7 | MAHAKALYANAKA GHRITAM | Rs 205 | Psychic disorders, seizure disorder, anemia, infertility, lack of intelligence, poor concentration, diabetes mellitus and toxicity in the body. Enhanced efficacy compared to Kalyanakaghritam |
8 | SARASWATHA GHRITAM | Rs 150 | Delayed speech, learning disabilities-improves cognitive skills |
9 | Sukumar Ghritam | Rs 230 | Gynec disorders, hernia, tumor, gaseous mass, hemorrhoids |
10 | MAHATIKTAKA LEPAM (LAMI TUBE) | Rs 65 | Fungal infection, other infectious skin disorders |
11 | SATADHAUTA GHRITAM (LAMI TUBE) | Rs 80 | Burning parasthesia, herpes, fungal and bacterial skin lesions. |
12 | Kottakkal Kantkari Ghritam | Rs 160 | Bronchitis, asthma, chronic cough, hiccup. |
13 | GUGGULUTIKTAKA GHRITA | Rs 220 | All Vaat Dosha |
14 | Jatyadi Ghritam | Rs 150 | Acute and chronic ulcers and fistula |
15 | Triphala Ghrita | Rs 135 | Ophthalmic diseases specifically cataract |
16` | DEHAPOSHANA YAMAKAM | Rs 190 | Rejuvenative. Emaciation due to debilitating disorders |
17 | DHANWANTARA GHRITA | Rs 160 | Diabetes and its complications, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, psychiatric disorders, biotoxicity |
18 | NALADADI GHRITAM | Rs 165 | A.D.H.D, (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), aphasia/dysphasia – improves cognitive skills and higher mental functions. |
19 | Nirgudyadi Ghrit | Rs 185 | Epilepsy, nausea, vomiting, head ache, accumulated bio toxins |
20 | Kottakkal Panchgavya Ghee | Rs 145 | Neuropsychiatric ailments, seizure disorders, dementia |
21 | Patoladi Ghritam | Rs 150 | E.N.T and ophthalmic disorders especifically for cataract, nightblindedness, refractive errors and anosmia |
22 | PALANDAVA GHRITHA | Rs 145 | Hemorrhoids |
23 | PHALASARPIS | Rs 160 | Male and female infertility, habitual abortions – General uterine tonic |
24 | MAHAPANCHAGAVYA GHRITA | Rs 185 | Neuropsychiatric ailments, seizure disorders, dementia |
25 | MAHASNEHAM | Rs 180 | Vata disorders of varied etiology |
26 | MISRAKASNEHAM | Rs 170 | Strong purgative indicated in chronic constipation,hernia, hydrocele |
27 | RASNADI GHRITAM | Rs 200 | Chronic Inflammatory arthritis and spine disorders |
28 | VASTYAMAYANTAKA GHRITAM | Rs 335 | Neurogenic bladder, dysuria, B.P.H (Benign Prosstatic Hyperplasia), urinary calculi |
29 | VARANADI GHRITA | Rs 130 | Head ache, tumors, chronic arthritis and indigestion |
30 | VIDARYADI GHRITA | Rs 155 | Emaciation, body ache, unproductive cough, cardio- pulmonary diseases and breathlessness |
31 | SANMALI GHRITAM | Rs 150 | Genito urinary infections |
32 | SARVAMAYANTAKA GHRITA | Rs 140 | Neuro-musculo-skeletal disorders, pelvic inflammatory diseases |
33 | SARVAMAYANTAKA GHRITA | Rs 140 | Neuro-musculo-skeletal disorders, pelvic inflammatory disease |
34 | SUKHAPRASAVADA GHRITAM | Rs 190 | To facilitate normal labor (to be used in the third trimester of pregnancy.) |
35 | SURANADI GHRITA | Rs 265 | Hemorrhoids |
36 | AMRITHAPRASA GHRITA | Rs 120 | Oligospermia, general and sexual debility, leucorrhoea, weight loss associated with chronic degenerative disorders. |
37 | ASOKA GHRITAM | Rs 170 | Abnormal vaginal discharges, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, irregular menstrual cycles, pelvic inflammatory diseases |
38 | Satavaryadi Ghrita | Rs 155 | Genito -urinary infections |
39 | MAHATRAIPHALA GHRITA | Rs 180 | Ophthalmic diseases specifically cataract |
40 | BRIHACHAGALADI GHRITA | Rs 375 | Aphrodisiac. Demyelinating disorders, general debility |
5. Kottakkal Kashayam Products Price List in Hindi
कोट्टक्कल आर्य वैद्य शाला द्वारा निर्माण वाले कषाय कल्पना उत्पादों की सूचि आप इस टेबल के माध्यम से देख सकते है |
Sr No | Products name | Price | Uses |
1 | Indukantam Kashayam | Rs 110 | Various debilitating disorders, Ascitis, gastric discomforts, GERD (Gastro-oesophagal Reflux Disease), intermittent fever and fatigue – increases resistance power |
2 | KATAKAKHADIRADI KASHAYA | Rs 95 | Diabetes mellitus |
3 | Chiruvilvadi Kashayam | Rs 145 | Hemorrhoids, fistula-in-ano, gas trouble, indigestion and varicose vein |
4 | DASAMULAKATUTRAYADI KASHAYA | Rs 145 | Bronchial asthma, upper respiratory tract infection and pain in the back, scapular and intercostal region |
5 | DHANVANTARAM KASHAYA | Rs 140 | Post natal care, fracture of bone, anxiety, mental stress, gas trouble, fever, pelvic inflammatory diseases, urinary obstruction and hernia |
6 | MAHATIKTAM KASHAYA | Rs 190 | Skin diseases of inflammatory nature, anemia, non-healing ulcers, thyroid dysfunction, inflammatory bowel diseases, anxiety and ment stress, leucoderma, liver diseases leucorrhoea and seizure disorders. |
7 | CHERIYA RASNADI KASHAYA | Rs 180 | Rheumatoid arthritis, cervical spondylitis, lumbar spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis, sacro-ilitis. |
8 | VALIYA RASNADI KASHAYA | Rs 180 | Osteo arthritis, degenerative joint diseases, hemiplegia, facial palsy, frozen shoulder, sciatica, gout, tremor, scoliosis. |
9 | VARANADI KASHAYAM | Rs 100 | Obesity, head ache, tumors, chronic arthritis and indigestion. |
10 | GANDHARVAHASTADI KASHAYA | Rs 100 | Effective in vata predominant conditions, dyspepsia and constipation. |
11 | PUNARNAVADI KASHAYAM | Rs 105 | Effective in anemia associated with anasarca, fever, cough, dyspnea, etc. |
12 | MANJISHTHADI KWATHAM (BRIHAT) | Rs 150 | Chronic skin diseases including eczema, psoriasis, non-healing ulcers, varicose ulcer, pruritis, boils and genital ulcers, diseases of the joints. |
13 | RASNASAPTAKAM KASHAYAM | Rs 110 | Lumbago, sciatica, sacroilitis, muscular dystrophy. |
14 | MUSTADI MARMA KASHAYAM | Rs 165 | Fracture and dislocations, traumatic diseases, muscular sprain and osteoporosis. |
15 | ASHTAVARGAM KASHAYAM | Rs 110 | Paralysis of different etiology, ischemic disorders and symptoms like numbness and lack of sensation – improves circulation. |
16 | DRAKSHADI KASHAYAM | Rs 145 | Fever, complications of prolonged alcohol intoxication, vomiting, vertigo, burning sensation, general debility, liver disorders,thrombocytopenia, anxiety and insomnia – reduces mental stress. |
17 | PATHYAKSHADHATRYADI KASHAYAM | Rs 110 | Headaches of various causes, tooth ache, different eye diseases including short sight, night blindness and cataract. |
18 | PATOLAKATUROHINYADI KASHAYAM | Rs 170 | Eczematous skin lesion, psoriasis, allergic skin manifestations, liver diseases, vomiting and diseases due to toxicity. |
19 | PRASARANYADI KASHAYAM | Rs 105 | Frozen shoulder, carpel tunnel syndrome and cervical spondylosis. |
20 | BALAPUNARNAVADI KASHAYA | Rs 100 | Acid peptic disorder, stomach ache |
21 | BRIHATYADI KASHAYA | Rs 100 | Dysuria, urinary tract infection and renal calculi |
22 | VIDARYADI KASHAYA | Rs 115 | Phthisis, chronic bronchitis, emaciation |
23 | SAHACHARADI KASHAY | Rs 105 | Hemiplegia, intervertebral disc disease and sciatica |
24 | SAHACHARABALADI KASHAYAM | Rs 100 | Intervertebral disc prolapse, sacroilitis, sciatica , varicose veins |
25 | SUKUMARAM KASHAYAM | Rs 120 | Gynec disorders, hernia, tumor, gaseous mass. Hemorrhoids, edema, arthritic pain, systemic disorders of spleen, liver and kidney,constipation and general debility in women. |
26 | AMRITOTHARAM KASHAYAM | Rs 100 | Fever of varied etiology, early stages of rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic fever |
27 | MUSALIKHADIRADI KASHAYAM | Rs 90 | Abnormal vaginal discharges and menorrhagia. |
28 | ARAGVADHADI KASHAYA | Rs 105 | Useful in kapha related disorders. Fevers due to kapha, skin lesions, itches, ulcers. |
29 | Kottakkal SAPTASARAM KASHAYAM | Rs 120 | Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease),PID(Pelvic)Inflammatory Disease),constipation, dyspepsia, abdominal and pelvic pain. |
30 | GULUCHYADI KASHAYAM | Rs 165 | Excessive body heat, rheumatism, gout, urticaria, indigestion |
6. Kottakkal Avleham Price List 2020
अवलेह उत्पादों की सूचि इस टेबल के माध्यम से जान सकते है | इसमें उत्पाद का नाम, मूल्य एवं कोनसे रोग में फायदेमंद है आदि की जानकारी मिलेगी |
Sr No | Products Name | Price | Uses |
1 | Agasthya Rasayana | Rs 80 | General debility, respiratory ailments including bronchial asthma, hiccup, cough – Rasayana & prophylactic medicine in cardio pulmonary ailments |
2 | AJASWAGANDHADI LEHAM | Rs 210 | General & sexual debility, emaciation, deficient immune conditions, loss of libido, post natal care |
3 | Chywanprash | Rs 205 | Deficient immune disorders, respiratory ailments, debilitating diseases, disorders of urinary bladder, hoarseness of voice, poor memory & intelligence -Rasayana & prophylactic medicine in cardio-pulmonary ailments & neoplasms |
4 | Dasmula Rasayana | Rs 160 | Acute breathlessness, productive cough |
5 | VIDARYADI LEHAM | Rs 255 | Helps to build-up tissues, management of cardio-pulmonary diseases, muscle cramps, post natal care, leucorrhoea. |
6 | Vilwadi Leham | Rs 100 | Gastro-intestinal disorders, acid peptic disease, vomiting, morning sickness, loss of appetite |
7 | VYOSHADI VATAKAM | Rs 65 | Cough, rhinitis, hoarseness of voice and related allergic manifestations |
8 | SATAVARIGULAM | Rs 240 | Leucorrhea, menorrhagia, dysuria, general debility in women, hypogalactia |
9 | KalyanGulam | Rs 75 | Constipation associated with chronic skin diseases, liver disorders, fistula in ano & pregnancy |
10 | Kusmand Rasayana | Rs 90 | Allergic & persistent cough, respiratory ailments, deficient immune conditions, hoarseness of voice, emaciation in children. |
11 | TALISAPATRADI LEHAM | Rs 75 | Anorexia, indigestion, gastro-intestinal disorders including irritable bowel syndrome, respiratory ailments |
12 | TRIVRIL LEHAM | Rs 95 | constipation |
13 | DASAMULAHARITAKI | Rs 75 | Generalized edema, genito-urinary diseases, spleno-megaly, ascitis and hypertension |
14 | PARUSHAKADI LEHAM | Rs 125 | Acid peptic diseases. |
15 | PULILEHAM (PULIMKUZHAMPU) | Rs 70 | Indigestion, post partum ailments (post natal care),dysmenorrhoea, scanty menstruation, obesity |
16 | BRAHMA RASAYANAM | Rs 175 | Deficient immune conditions, emaciation, poor memory, Rasayana and prophylactic medicine in neoplasms |
17 | Manibhadra Leham | Rs 80 | Skin diseases including eczema, fungal infections, constipation |
18 | Kottakkal MRIDWIKADI LEHAM | Rs 95 | Cough, breathlessness, anemia, loss of appetite, liver disorders. |
19 | SATAVARIGULAM | Rs 105 | Leucorrhea, menorrhagia, dysuria, general debility in women, hypogalactia |
20 | SUKUMARA LEHAM | Rs 145 | Dysmenorrhoea, amennorrhoea, leucorrhoea, constipation, acid peptic disease, general debility in women. |
21 | VANASURANADI LEHAM | Rs 80 | Hemorrhoids, acid peptic diseases. |
22 | HARIDRAKHANDAM | Rs 70 | Allergic skin and respiratory manifestations |
23 | THALISAPATRADI VATAKAM | Rs 65 | Indigestion, respiratory ailments, cough, breathless-ness, hoarseness of voice. |
24 | HARITAKYADI RASAYANAM | Rs 95 | Respiratory ailments, breathlessness, cough |
25 | ABHAYAMRITA RASAYANAM | Rs 75 | Premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission |
26 | SVASAHARA LEHAM | Rs 125 | Dyspnoea and other respiratory ailments |
27 | KUTAJATWAGADI LEHAM | Rs 90 | Irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, hemorrhoids |
28 | GANDHAKARAJA RASAYANAM | Rs 330 | Chronic skin diseases & skin manifestations in auto immune conditions including scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. |
29 | CHERIYA CHINCHADI LEHAM | Rs 105 | Anemia, loss of appetite, indigestion. |
30 | VALIYA CHINCHADI LEHAM | Rs 145 | Anemia, loss of appetite, indigestion, jaundice, post natal care |
31 | CHITRAKA LEHAM | Rs 195 | Hemorrhoids, skin diseases, splenomegaly, indigestion |
7 . Kottakkal Medicated Oil List 2020
Sr No | Medicated Oils Name | Price | Uses |
1 | Sahacharadi Mezhukupakam Thailam | Rs 205 | Parkinsonism, muscle wastage, foot drop, sciatica, unmadam, lumbar spondylosis, yonirogam |
2 | Balahatadi Kerathailam | Rs 135 | Migraine, head ache of other causes. |
3 | Gandhaka Tail-50ml | Rs 25 | Atopic dermatitis, allergic pruritis, fungal infections |
4 | Vachalasunadi Tailam | Rs 40 | Otorrhoea |
5 | Nasarasa Taila | Rs 30 | Nasal polyps, sinusitis |
6 | Ksheerbala Taila | Rs 165 | Vaat dosha |
7 | Kshara Tail | Rs 55 | Otalgia, otorrhoea, impaired hearing, tinnitus (For karnapooranam) |
8 | Dhanvantari – 21 Tailam | Rs 165 | Neuromuscular and skeletal diseases of vata origin, Prevention of vatavyadhis, pre and post natal care. |
9 | Balasodhini Tailam-(50 ML) | Rs 45 | Constipation (peadiatric use). |
10 | Dhanvantaram Mezhukupakam | Rs 180 | Neuromuscular and skeletal diseases of vata origin |
11 | Pinda Tailam – 500 ML | Rs 280 | Rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis, gouty arthritis neuropathy |
12 | Maharajaprasarani Tailam | Rs 75 | Neurological and rheumatic complaints, cervical and lumbar spondylosis. |
13 | Bala Taila | Rs 50 | Rheumatic complaints, cervical spondylosis, upper respiratory infections, epilepsy |
14 | Khajitha Pinda Taila | Rs 210 | Synovitis, gout, acute inflammatory joint disease and neuropathy. |
15 | ELADI KERA TAILA | Rs 170 | Chronic catarrh, kapha-vata predominant disorders, allergic pruritis. Enhances complexion |
16 | Karpuradi Taila | Rs 130 | Immediate relief for pain, cramps and numbness |
17 | KARPASASTHYADI TAILA | Rs 130 | Frozen shoulder, hemiplegia, facial palsy |
18 | Kumkumadi Taila | Rs 440 | Discoloration of face, pimples, wrinkles, premature graying of hair. For external application as well as nasyam |
19 | KUNTHALAKANTI TAILA | Rs 205 | Prevents hair fall, promotes hair growth and improves complexion |
20 | KOTTAMCHUKKADI TAILA | Rs 120 | Both inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases |
21 | Chemparuthyadi Kera Tail | Rs 120 | Infantile eczema |
22 | Dhurdhurapatradi Oil | Rs 160 | Hair fall, dandruff, infantile eczema, psoriasis |
23 | Valiya Narayana Tailam | Rs 215 | Vatavyadhi of multiple causes and symptoms, deafness, male sub fertility, fractures. |
24 | Nalpramadi Kera Oil | Rs 135 | Eczema, Dermatitis etc |
25 | Neelibringadi Kera Oil | Rs 185 | For Better Hair Growth and prevent hair fall |
26 | Prabhanjanavimardanam Kuzhambu | Rs 140 | Vata ailments especially facial palsy and diabetic neuropathy |
27 | Balashwagandhadi Oil | Rs 170 | Generalized emaciation, convalescence period of infections and neurasthenia |
28 | Kottakkal Mahamash Oil | Rs 260 | Hemiplegia, facial palsy, lock jaw, impairment of hearing, cervical spondylosis, parkinsonism, sciatica, frozen shoulder, muscular atrophy |
29 | Lakshadikera Taila | Rs 150 | Convalescence of chronic fever, psychosis and seizure disorders, promotes growth in infants and children. |
30 | Murivenna Oil | Rs 130 | Fractures, dislocations, sprain, traumatic injuries, wounds, ulcers. |
Download Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Products PDF List here
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