kottakkal arya vaidya sala products price list pdf 2020

Kottakkal Arya Vaidyasala All Products Price List : लगभग 115 साल पुरानी आयुर्वेदिक कंपनी है | केरल के कोट्टक्कल शहर में सन 1902 में वैद्यरतन्म P. S Varier के द्वारा इस कंपनी की शुरुआत की गई |

आर्य वैद्य साला कोट्टकल में आयुर्वेदिक हॉस्पिटल का सञ्चालन करती है | साथ ही सम्पूर्ण भारत के विभिन्न राज्यों में इसके आयुर्वेदिक हॉस्पिटल एवं दवाओं डीलरशिप उपलब्ध है |

कोट्टक्कल आर्य वैद्य साला द्वारा 550 से अधिक शास्त्रोक्त एवं पेटेंट दवाओं का निर्माण किया जाता है | इनकी दवाएं उच्च गुणवत्ता एवं विश्वनीय है | वैद्यजनो में कोट्टक्कल फार्मेसी के प्रोडक्ट्स प्रशिद्ध है |

हम यहाँ पर Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Pharmacy All Products list आपको उपलब्ध करवा रहें है | सभी Medicine को अलग – अलग केटेगरी में बांटा है ताकि पढ़ने एवं ढूंढने में आसानी हो |

Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Products Category in Hindi

  1. Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Churna Products Price List
  2. Arya Vaidya Sala Ashava / Arisht Products Price List
  3. Kottakkal All Bhashma List
  4. Ayurvedic Ghrit / Medicated Ghee All Products List
  5. Kottakkal Kashayam Products Price List in Hindi
  6. Kottakkal Avleham Price List 2020
  7. Medicated Oils List

इस कंपनी की सभी आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं को 07 श्रेणी में बाँट कर उनकी लिस्ट उपलब्ध करवाई है | यह लिस्ट उत्पाद के मूल्य एवं मात्रा के साथ है | इन्हे आप pdf Download भी कर सकते है |

1. Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Churna Products Price List

चूर्ण की इस श्रेणी में कोट्टाक्कल आर्य वैद्य साला द्वारा निर्मित किये जाने वाले सभी चूर्णों की सूचि दी गई है | यह सूचि 2020 के अनुसार है | इसमें समय – समय पर नई मूल्य सूचि को अपडेट भी किया जायेगा |

Churna Products Price List को आप PDF File Download भी कर सकते है |

Sr No.Products NamePriceUses
1TALISAPATRADI CHURNAMRs 15Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, bronchitis
2JATAMAYADI CHURNAMRs 100External Use only
3KOTTAMCHUKKADI CHURNAM70Synovitis, painful and swollen joint diseases
4ASHWAGANDHA CHURNARs 120Emaciation, fatigue, vataroga, loss of libido
5AMRITAMEHARI CHURNAMRs 15Useful in Diabetes 
6Kottakkal AVIPATHI CHURNAMRs 15Constipation
7Arya Vaidya Sala Ashta ChurnaRs 15Abdominal colic, indigestion, absorption syndrome
8VALIYA KARPURADI CHURNAMRs 15Cough, asthma, dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting
9Guggulu Panchfala ChurnaRs 15Ulcers, Fistula
10Kottakkal TRIPHALADI CHURNARs 15ophthalmic diseases
11RASANADI CHURNARs 15headache, fever, rhinitis 
12Hinguvachadi ChurnaRs 15Abdominal colic, anorexia, indigestion, intestinal and uterine spasms
13AMRIT MEHARI CHURNA – 50 GMRs 50Diabetes
14DASHNAKANTHI CHURNARs 100Halitosis, pyorrhoea, dental caries
15RASANADI CHURNARs 55headache and fever
18Eladi ChurnaRs 20
19KACHURADI CHURNARs 75Fever, head ache, vertigo, sleeplessness, anxiety disorders
20CHERIYA KARPURADI CHURNARs 15bronchitis, dyspepsia, Productive Cough
21DADIMASHTAKA CHURNARs 15Fistula in ano, chronic ulcers, dyslipidemia
22DIPKYADI CHURNARs 30Post natal care, intestinal colic, flatulence
23NAVAYASA CHURNAMRs 35Iron deficiency anaemia , jaundice, diabetes mellitus,vitiligo
24KOTTAKKAL NASIKA CHURNARs 25Anosmia, congestive nasal conditions
25NIMBHARIDRADI CHURNARs 15Itchy skin rashes, acne
26NIMBPATRADI CHURNARs 15Itchy skin rashes, acne
27PANCHKOL CHURNARs 15Indigestion, mal absorption syndrome
28PANCHGANDHA CHURNARs 15Fever, head ache, vertigo, sleeplessness, anxiety disorders and skin blemishes
29PATHYADI CHURNARs 15Stomatitis, ascites, peritonitis, other conditions with fluid retention, hepatic disorders, mild purgative
30PATHADI CHURNARs 15Pyorrhoea, bleeding gums
31PITAKA CHURNARs 15Pyorrhoea, halitosis, stomatitis, tooth decay
32PUSHYANUGA CHURNARs 15Leucorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding
33YAVANYADI CHURNARs 15Bleeding piles, I B S (Irritable bowel syndrome), Chron?s disease, anorexia
34YOGRAJ CHURNARs 15Acute and chronic arthritis, haemarrhoids, fistula, dyslipidemia
35RAJANYADI CHURNARs 15Immune enhancer – especially in children, respiratory and gastro intestinal diseases of varied origin
36LAKSHADI CHURNA – ARYA VAIDYA SALA PRODUCTSRs 20Hemorrhagic disorders, osteoarthritis, impaired ontogenesis
37VIDANGADI CHURNARs 20Obesity, dyslipidaemia
38BRIHATVAISWANARA CHURNARs 15Indigestion, dysmetabolism
40SARSHAPADI CHURNARs 15Lymphadenopathy, itching, scabies
41KOTTAKKAL SARSWATA CHURNARs 15Psycho-motor retardation in children, dementia
42HUTABHUGADI CHURNAMRs 15Hemorrhoids, anemia, loss of appetite, constipation
43SHADDHARNA CHURNARs 25Inflammatory arthritis, generalised edema, amanu-bandha condition

2. Arya Vaidya Sala Ashava / Arisht Products Price List

आसव / अरिष्ट में कोट्टाक्कल फार्मेसी द्वारा विभिन्न शास्त्रोक्त दवाओं आसव / अरिष्ट सिरप का निर्माण किया जाता है | आसव एवं अरिष्ट आयुर्वेद की सिरप फॉर्म की दवाएं होती है | जिनका निर्माण संधान प्रक्रिया के द्वारा किया जाता है |

आसव एवं अरिष्ट फॉर्म में अधिक अंतर नहीं होता | अगर आप आसव एवं अरिष्ट में अंतर जानना चाहते है तो इसे पढ़ें – आसव एवं अरिष्ट में क्या अंतर है ?

निम्न टेबल के माध्यम से kottakkal arya vaidya sala के सभी आसव एवं अरिष्ट दवाओं की सूचि को देख सकते है |


Sr NoProducts NamePriceUses
1AbhyarishtamRs 75Constipation & Indigestion
2kottakkal AmritarishtamRs 80Chronic fever of undetermined origin, weakness, aches
3Ashokarishtam SypRs 80Abnormal vaginal discharge, dysmenorrhoea
4ASWAGANDHARISHTAMRs 135Useful in mental stress. Improves stamina and vitality
5KHADIRARISHTAMRs 110Haematinic. Chronic ulcerative/non-ulcerative skin
6JIRAKADYARISHTAMRs 125Useful in Dyspepsia. Useful in post natal care
7Arya vaidya sala Dasamularishtam Rs 105Cardio-pulmonary ailments, dyspepsia, loss of libido
8DraksharishtamRs 115Anemia, breathlessness, fatigue, dyspepsia and constipation
9PIPPALYASAVAMRs 85Indigestion, anorexia, anemia, mal-absorption syndrome
10PUNARNAVASAVAMRs 80Edema, anemia, promotes diuresis
11BalarishtamRs 90Useful in Vaat Vyadhi
12KOTTAKKAL MUSTARISHTAMRs 90Irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, intestinal colic, malformed stools
13LohasavamRs 90Iron deficiency anemia
14VASAKADYARISHTAMRs 125Asthma, bronchitis (especially when sputum is blood stained), hoarseness of voice, rhinitis
15kottakkal SARASWATARISHTAMRs 760Improves cognitive skills, dementia, psycho-motor retardation
16AYASKRITHIRs 90Diabetes mellitus, obesity and anemia
17ARAGWADHARISHTAMRs 90Mild laxative and blood purifier. Also effective in chronic
18Arya vaidya sala KutajarishtamRs 90Diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids and intestinal motility disorders
19Kottakkal KumaryasavaRs 90Diabetes mellitus, anemia, diseases of liver, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and menopausal syndrome
20Kottakkal ChandanasavaRs 75Urinary tract infections, uretheral/vaginal discharges, hot flushes
21DHANVANTARARISHTAMRs 95Vatavyadhis of varied etiology especially of traumatic origin. Useful in post-natal care
22PARTHADYARISHTAMRs 95Cardiac and pulmonary diseases
23BALAMRITAMRs 150A nutritive general tonic for pediatric use
24SARIBADYASAVAMRs 90Diabetes mellitus, carbuncles, rheumatism, infections
25Kottakkal NIMBAMRITASAVAMRs 115All vata disorders
26PUTIKARANJASAVAMRs 105Hemorrhoids, indigestion, anemia
27PUTIVALKASAVAMRs 75Hemorrhoids, indigestion
28Kottakkal MADHOOKASAVAMRs 125Mal-absorption syndrome, indigestion
29MULAKADYARISHTAMRs 160Visarpa of varied etiology and clinical manifestations
30MRITASANJEEVANIRs 95Chronic fatigue syndrome, general and sexual debility
31MRIDWIKARISHTAMRs 120General debility, emaciation, anemia, worm infestations,diseases of head and neck
32ROHITAKARISHTAMRs 75Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, dermatosis
33Kottakkal LODHRASAVAMRs 100Diabetes, pallor, dermal pigmentation
34VIDARYADYASAVAMRs 90Emaciation,muscle cramps, unproductive cough, cardiac and pulmonary diseases
35VISWAMRITAMRs 125Special indication – post natal care. Fever, lack of hunger/appetite and loose bowels
37ARAVINDASAVAMRs 80Improves immunity and helps to control infections
38DEVADARVYARISHTAMRs 125Diabetic neuropathy, UTI (Urinary track infection),eczema, indigestion and constipation
39SUDARSANASAVAMRs 80All types of chronic fevers
40USIRASAVAMRs 80Anemia, acne, skin eruptions, hemorrhagic disorders
41KANAKASAVAMRs 75Asthma, chronic bronchitis
42CHAVIKASAVAMRs 100Dyspepsia, rhinitis, sinusitis, inflammatory joint disorders
43CHITRAKASAVAMRs 125Leucoderma and stomatitis
44Kottakkal DANTYARISHTAMRs 75Hemorrhoids, dyspepsia, constipation and ascitis
45DURALABHARISHTAMRs 85Hemorrhoids, indigestion, constipation

3. Kottakkal All Bhashma List

आर्य वैद्य साला कोट्टक्कल के द्वारा निर्मित सभी भस्मों की जानकारी इस सूचि के द्वारा जान सकते है | इसे आप पीडीऍफ़ रूप में डाउनलोड भी कर सकते है |

Sr NoProducts NamePriceUses
1Abhrak BhasmaRs 60Diabetes mellitus,sexual debility, immune deficiency
2AVILTOLADI BHASMAMRs 125Generalised edema, ascites, dysuria
3KALYANA KSHARAMRs 80Abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, renal calculi,obstructive uropathy, dysmenorrhoea
4KSHARAGADAMRs 75Habitual constipation, colic and anorexia
5SANKHA BHASMARs 10Acid peptic diseases, gastric / duodenal ulcer
6SUVARNAVANGAMRs 30Diabetic mellitus, genito-urinary tract infection

4. Ayurvedic Ghrit / Medicated Ghee All Products List

आयुर्वेद के मेडिकेटिड घी की सूचि | कोट्टाक्कल आर्य वैद्य साला द्वारा निर्मित किये जाने वाले सभी आयुर्वेदिक घृत की सूचि इस लिस्ट के माध्यम से देख सकते है |

Sr NoMedicated Ghee NamePriceUses
1KOTTAKKAL MAHATIKTA GHRITAMRs 175Skin diseases of inflammatory nature, anemia, non healing ulcers, thyroid dysfunction, inflammatory bowel diseases, anxiety and mental stress, leucoderma, liver diseases, leucorrhoea and seizure disorders. 
2INDUKANTAM GHRITAMRs 165Various debilitating disorders, ascitis, gastric discomforts, GERD
3KALYANAKA GHRITAMRs 150Psychic disorders, seizure disorder, anemia, infertility, lack of intelligence, poor concentration, diabetes mellitus and toxicity in the body
4DADIMADI GHRITAMRs 150Anemia, acid peptic disease, prenatal care, bronchial asthma, menstrual irregularities, normalizes peristalsis
5TIKTAKA GHRITAMRs 160Skin diseases of inflammatory nature, anemia, non healing ulcers, thyroid dysfunction, inflammatory bowel diseases, anxiety and mental stress, leucoderma, liver diseases, leucorrhoea and seizure disorders
6KOTTAKKAL BRAHMI GHRITAMRs 150Dementia, seizure disorder, learning disability disorders- improves cognitive skills
7MAHAKALYANAKA GHRITAMRs 205Psychic disorders, seizure disorder, anemia, infertility, lack of intelligence, poor concentration, diabetes mellitus and toxicity in the body. Enhanced efficacy compared to Kalyanakaghritam
8SARASWATHA GHRITAMRs 150Delayed speech, learning disabilities-improves cognitive skills
9Sukumar GhritamRs 230Gynec disorders, hernia, tumor, gaseous mass, hemorrhoids
10MAHATIKTAKA LEPAM (LAMI TUBE)Rs 65Fungal infection, other infectious skin disorders
11SATADHAUTA GHRITAM (LAMI TUBE)Rs 80Burning parasthesia, herpes, fungal and bacterial skin lesions.
12Kottakkal Kantkari GhritamRs 160Bronchitis, asthma, chronic cough, hiccup.
14Jatyadi GhritamRs 150Acute and chronic ulcers and fistula
15Triphala GhritaRs 135Ophthalmic diseases specifically cataract
16`DEHAPOSHANA YAMAKAMRs 190Rejuvenative. Emaciation due to debilitating disorders
17DHANWANTARA GHRITARs 160Diabetes and its complications, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, psychiatric disorders, biotoxicity
18NALADADI GHRITAMRs 165A.D.H.D, (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), aphasia/dysphasia – improves cognitive skills and higher mental functions.
19Nirgudyadi GhritRs 185Epilepsy, nausea, vomiting, head ache, accumulated bio toxins
20Kottakkal Panchgavya GheeRs 145Neuropsychiatric ailments, seizure disorders, dementia
21Patoladi GhritamRs 150 E.N.T and ophthalmic disorders especifically for cataract, nightblindedness, refractive errors and anosmia
22PALANDAVA GHRITHARs 145Hemorrhoids
23PHALASARPISRs 160Male and female infertility, habitual abortions – General uterine tonic
24MAHAPANCHAGAVYA GHRITARs 185Neuropsychiatric ailments, seizure disorders, dementia
25MAHASNEHAMRs 180Vata disorders of varied etiology
26MISRAKASNEHAMRs 170Strong purgative indicated in chronic constipation,hernia, hydrocele
27RASNADI GHRITAM Rs 200Chronic Inflammatory arthritis and spine disorders
28VASTYAMAYANTAKA GHRITAMRs 335Neurogenic bladder, dysuria, B.P.H (Benign Prosstatic Hyperplasia), urinary calculi
29VARANADI GHRITARs 130Head ache, tumors, chronic arthritis and indigestion
30VIDARYADI GHRITARs 155Emaciation, body ache, unproductive cough, cardio- pulmonary diseases and breathlessness
31SANMALI GHRITAMRs 150Genito urinary infections
32SARVAMAYANTAKA GHRITARs 140Neuro-musculo-skeletal disorders, pelvic inflammatory diseases
33SARVAMAYANTAKA GHRITARs 140Neuro-musculo-skeletal disorders, pelvic inflammatory disease
34SUKHAPRASAVADA GHRITAMRs 190To facilitate normal labor (to be used in the third trimester of pregnancy.)
35SURANADI GHRITARs 265Hemorrhoids
36AMRITHAPRASA GHRITARs 120Oligospermia, general and sexual debility, leucorrhoea, weight loss associated with chronic degenerative disorders.
37ASOKA GHRITAMRs 170Abnormal vaginal discharges, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, irregular menstrual cycles, pelvic inflammatory diseases
38Satavaryadi GhritaRs 155Genito -urinary infections
39MAHATRAIPHALA GHRITARs 180Ophthalmic diseases specifically cataract
40BRIHACHAGALADI GHRITARs 375Aphrodisiac. Demyelinating disorders, general debility

5. Kottakkal Kashayam Products Price List in Hindi

कोट्टक्कल आर्य वैद्य शाला द्वारा निर्माण वाले कषाय कल्पना उत्पादों की सूचि आप इस टेबल के माध्यम से देख सकते है |

Sr NoProducts namePriceUses
1Indukantam KashayamRs 110Various debilitating disorders, Ascitis, gastric discomforts, GERD (Gastro-oesophagal Reflux Disease), intermittent fever and fatigue – increases resistance power
3Chiruvilvadi KashayamRs 145Hemorrhoids, fistula-in-ano, gas trouble, indigestion and varicose vein
4DASAMULAKATUTRAYADI KASHAYARs 145Bronchial asthma, upper respiratory tract infection and pain in the back, scapular and intercostal region
5DHANVANTARAM KASHAYARs 140Post natal care, fracture of bone, anxiety, mental stress, gas trouble, fever, pelvic inflammatory diseases, urinary obstruction and hernia
6MAHATIKTAM KASHAYARs 190Skin diseases of inflammatory nature, anemia, non-healing ulcers, thyroid dysfunction, inflammatory bowel diseases, anxiety and ment stress, leucoderma, liver diseases leucorrhoea and seizure disorders.
7CHERIYA RASNADI KASHAYARs 180Rheumatoid arthritis, cervical spondylitis, lumbar spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis, sacro-ilitis.
8VALIYA RASNADI KASHAYARs 180Osteo arthritis, degenerative joint diseases, hemiplegia, facial palsy, frozen shoulder, sciatica, gout, tremor, scoliosis.
9VARANADI KASHAYAMRs 100Obesity, head ache, tumors, chronic arthritis and indigestion.
10GANDHARVAHASTADI KASHAYARs 100Effective in vata predominant conditions, dyspepsia and constipation.
11PUNARNAVADI KASHAYAMRs 105Effective in anemia associated with anasarca, fever, cough, dyspnea, etc.
12MANJISHTHADI KWATHAM (BRIHAT) Rs 150Chronic skin diseases including eczema, psoriasis, non-healing ulcers, varicose ulcer, pruritis, boils and genital ulcers, diseases of the joints.
13RASNASAPTAKAM KASHAYAMRs 110Lumbago, sciatica, sacroilitis, muscular dystrophy.
14MUSTADI MARMA KASHAYAMRs 165Fracture and dislocations, traumatic diseases, muscular sprain and osteoporosis.
15ASHTAVARGAM KASHAYAMRs 110Paralysis of different etiology, ischemic disorders and symptoms like numbness and lack of sensation – improves circulation.
16DRAKSHADI KASHAYAMRs 145Fever, complications of prolonged alcohol intoxication, vomiting, vertigo, burning sensation, general debility, liver disorders,thrombocytopenia, anxiety and insomnia – reduces mental stress.
17PATHYAKSHADHATRYADI KASHAYAMRs 110Headaches of various causes, tooth ache, different eye diseases including short sight, night blindness and cataract.
18PATOLAKATUROHINYADI KASHAYAMRs 170Eczematous skin lesion, psoriasis, allergic skin manifestations, liver diseases, vomiting and diseases due to toxicity.
19PRASARANYADI KASHAYAMRs 105Frozen shoulder, carpel tunnel syndrome and cervical spondylosis.
20BALAPUNARNAVADI KASHAYARs 100Acid peptic disorder, stomach ache
21BRIHATYADI KASHAYARs 100Dysuria, urinary tract infection and renal calculi
22VIDARYADI KASHAYARs 115Phthisis, chronic bronchitis, emaciation
23SAHACHARADI KASHAYRs 105Hemiplegia, intervertebral disc disease and sciatica
24SAHACHARABALADI KASHAYAMRs 100Intervertebral disc prolapse, sacroilitis, sciatica , varicose veins
25SUKUMARAM KASHAYAMRs 120Gynec disorders, hernia, tumor, gaseous mass. Hemorrhoids, edema, arthritic pain, systemic disorders of spleen, liver and kidney,constipation and general debility in women.
26AMRITOTHARAM KASHAYAMRs 100Fever of varied etiology, early stages of rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic fever
27MUSALIKHADIRADI KASHAYAMRs 90Abnormal vaginal discharges and menorrhagia.
28ARAGVADHADI KASHAYARs 105Useful in kapha related disorders. Fevers due to kapha, skin lesions, itches, ulcers.
29Kottakkal SAPTASARAM KASHAYAMRs 120Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease),PID(Pelvic)Inflammatory Disease),constipation, dyspepsia, abdominal and pelvic pain.
30GULUCHYADI KASHAYAM Rs 165Excessive body heat, rheumatism, gout, urticaria, indigestion

6. Kottakkal Avleham Price List 2020

अवलेह उत्पादों की सूचि इस टेबल के माध्यम से जान सकते है | इसमें उत्पाद का नाम, मूल्य एवं कोनसे रोग में फायदेमंद है आदि की जानकारी मिलेगी |

Sr NoProducts NamePriceUses
1Agasthya RasayanaRs 80General debility, respiratory ailments including bronchial asthma, hiccup, cough – Rasayana & prophylactic medicine in cardio pulmonary ailments
2AJASWAGANDHADI LEHAMRs 210General & sexual debility, emaciation, deficient immune conditions, loss of libido, post natal care
3ChywanprashRs 205Deficient immune disorders, respiratory ailments, debilitating diseases, disorders of urinary bladder, hoarseness of voice, poor memory & intelligence -Rasayana & prophylactic medicine in cardio-pulmonary ailments & neoplasms
4Dasmula RasayanaRs 160Acute breathlessness, productive cough
5VIDARYADI LEHAMRs 255Helps to build-up tissues, management of cardio-pulmonary diseases, muscle cramps, post natal care, leucorrhoea.
6Vilwadi LehamRs 100Gastro-intestinal disorders, acid peptic disease, vomiting, morning sickness, loss of appetite
7VYOSHADI VATAKAMRs 65Cough, rhinitis, hoarseness of voice and related allergic manifestations
8SATAVARIGULAMRs 240Leucorrhea, menorrhagia, dysuria, general debility in women, hypogalactia
9KalyanGulamRs 75Constipation associated with chronic skin diseases, liver disorders, fistula in ano & pregnancy
10Kusmand RasayanaRs 90Allergic & persistent cough, respiratory ailments, deficient immune conditions, hoarseness of voice, emaciation in children.
11TALISAPATRADI LEHAMRs 75Anorexia, indigestion, gastro-intestinal disorders including irritable bowel syndrome, respiratory ailments
12TRIVRIL LEHAMRs 95constipation
13DASAMULAHARITAKI Rs 75Generalized edema, genito-urinary diseases, spleno-megaly, ascitis and hypertension
14PARUSHAKADI LEHAM Rs 125Acid peptic diseases.
15PULILEHAM (PULIMKUZHAMPU)Rs 70Indigestion, post partum ailments (post natal care),dysmenorrhoea, scanty menstruation, obesity
16BRAHMA RASAYANAMRs 175Deficient immune conditions, emaciation, poor memory, Rasayana and prophylactic medicine in neoplasms
17Manibhadra LehamRs 80Skin diseases including eczema, fungal infections, constipation
18Kottakkal MRIDWIKADI LEHAMRs 95Cough, breathlessness, anemia, loss of appetite, liver disorders.
19SATAVARIGULAMRs 105Leucorrhea, menorrhagia, dysuria, general debility in women, hypogalactia
20SUKUMARA LEHAMRs 145Dysmenorrhoea, amennorrhoea, leucorrhoea, constipation, acid peptic disease, general debility in women.
21VANASURANADI LEHAMRs 80Hemorrhoids, acid peptic diseases.
22HARIDRAKHANDAMRs 70Allergic skin and respiratory manifestations 
23THALISAPATRADI VATAKAMRs 65Indigestion, respiratory ailments, cough, breathless-ness, hoarseness of voice.
24HARITAKYADI RASAYANAM Rs 95Respiratory ailments, breathlessness, cough
25ABHAYAMRITA RASAYANAM Rs 75Premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission
26SVASAHARA LEHAMRs 125Dyspnoea and other respiratory ailments
27KUTAJATWAGADI LEHAMRs 90Irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, hemorrhoids
28GANDHAKARAJA RASAYANAMRs 330Chronic skin diseases & skin manifestations in auto immune conditions including scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
29CHERIYA CHINCHADI LEHAMRs 105Anemia, loss of appetite, indigestion.
30VALIYA CHINCHADI LEHAMRs 145Anemia, loss of appetite, indigestion, jaundice, post natal care
31CHITRAKA LEHAMRs 195Hemorrhoids, skin diseases, splenomegaly, indigestion

7 . Kottakkal Medicated Oil List 2020

Sr NoMedicated Oils NamePriceUses
1Sahacharadi Mezhukupakam ThailamRs 205Parkinsonism, muscle wastage, foot drop, sciatica, unmadam, lumbar spondylosis, yonirogam
2Balahatadi KerathailamRs 135Migraine, head ache of other causes.
3Gandhaka Tail-50mlRs 25Atopic dermatitis, allergic pruritis, fungal infections
4Vachalasunadi TailamRs 40Otorrhoea
5Nasarasa TailaRs 30Nasal polyps, sinusitis
6Ksheerbala TailaRs 165Vaat dosha
7Kshara TailRs 55Otalgia, otorrhoea, impaired hearing, tinnitus (For karnapooranam)
8Dhanvantari – 21 TailamRs 165Neuromuscular and skeletal diseases of vata origin, Prevention of vatavyadhis, pre and post natal care.
9Balasodhini Tailam-(50 ML)Rs 45Constipation (peadiatric use).
10Dhanvantaram MezhukupakamRs 180Neuromuscular and skeletal diseases of vata origin
11Pinda Tailam – 500 MLRs 280Rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis, gouty arthritis neuropathy
12Maharajaprasarani TailamRs 75Neurological and rheumatic complaints, cervical and lumbar spondylosis.
13Bala TailaRs 50Rheumatic complaints, cervical spondylosis, upper respiratory infections, epilepsy
14Khajitha Pinda TailaRs 210Synovitis, gout, acute inflammatory joint disease and neuropathy.
15ELADI KERA TAILARs 170Chronic catarrh, kapha-vata predominant disorders, allergic pruritis. Enhances complexion
16Karpuradi TailaRs 130Immediate relief for pain, cramps and numbness
17KARPASASTHYADI TAILARs 130Frozen shoulder, hemiplegia, facial palsy
18Kumkumadi TailaRs 440Discoloration of face, pimples, wrinkles, premature graying of hair. For external application as well as nasyam
19KUNTHALAKANTI TAILARs 205Prevents hair fall, promotes hair growth and improves complexion
20KOTTAMCHUKKADI TAILARs 120Both inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases
21Chemparuthyadi Kera TailRs 120Infantile eczema
22Dhurdhurapatradi OilRs 160Hair fall, dandruff, infantile eczema, psoriasis
23Valiya Narayana TailamRs 215Vatavyadhi of multiple causes and symptoms, deafness, male sub fertility, fractures.
24Nalpramadi Kera OilRs 135Eczema, Dermatitis etc
25Neelibringadi Kera OilRs 185For Better Hair Growth and prevent hair fall
26Prabhanjanavimardanam KuzhambuRs 140Vata ailments especially facial palsy and diabetic neuropathy
27Balashwagandhadi OilRs 170Generalized emaciation, convalescence period of infections and neurasthenia
28Kottakkal Mahamash OilRs 260Hemiplegia, facial palsy, lock jaw, impairment of hearing, cervical spondylosis, parkinsonism, sciatica, frozen shoulder, muscular atrophy
29Lakshadikera TailaRs 150Convalescence of chronic fever, psychosis and seizure disorders, promotes growth in infants and children.
30Murivenna OilRs 130Fractures, dislocations, sprain, traumatic injuries, wounds, ulcers.

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